Make your own Ambisonic microphone with SMALL

SMALL: Spherical Microphone Array Little Library

SMALL: Spherical Microphone Array Little Library


In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to easily build an Ambisonic microphone using the Spherical Microphone Arrays Little Library (SMALL).

SMALL1 is an open source project consists of:

  1. A set of Computer Aided Designs (CAD) for open or rigid Spherical Microphone Arrays (SMA) mechanical structures, ready to 3D-print.
  2. Signal processing algorithms, available through ambitools, to encode the SMA signals to Spherical Harmonics signals.
  3. Python tools to use a robotic arm for the SMA acoustic calibration, in a research context.

More infos on this project can be found in the repository or by reading this paper1.

Although SMALL allows a multitude of SMA configurations, we focus in this tutorial on the realization of a 2nd order Ambisonic microphone, using MEMS PDM microphones, with an embedded USB sound card.

List of Material

To build and use the microphone you will need:




Compile the STL files

In SMALL repository open the openSCAD file /cad/sma_rigid.scad. You should see something like this:

Printing the spherical shells

Assembling the microphone array

Example of use

More infos

  1. P. Lecomte, “SMALL: Spherical Microphone Arrays Little Library”, Forum Acusticum 2023, 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association, Turin, Italy, 2023.  2